Guided by Rudolf Steiner’s wisdom, we believe education is an art form—a language that must resonate with the child’s experiences. To educate the whole child, we recognize the essential need to reach their heart and will, in addition to their mind.

Our team of inspiring educators brings a blend of artistic talents and leadership skills to our diverse community. With a foundation in Waldorf teacher training and practical experience, we ensure a dynamic and well-rounded educational approach. We utilize a unique Waldorf inspired forest school model where children spend 98% of their day outdoors.

Situated on a private 8-acre bio-organic farm in Ormond Beach, our location is surrounded by beautiful woodlands and borders a 27,000-acre state forest. Our thoughtfully designed outdoor spaces, shaded by majestic live oak trees and slash pines, provide a stunning natural environment that fosters holistic learning, exploration, and a deep connection with nature.

Our philosophy extends beyond academics. We create spaces where each child feels valued and seen, fostering a sense of belonging. Through a harmonious blend of nature immersion and a curriculum enriched by storytelling, arts, and plenty of free play, we aim to ignite a lifelong love for learning. Our commitment to transformative education, rooted in the artful language of the Waldorf method, inspires a journey of discovery and growth for every child in our care.

Our Mission Statement:

At Sunrise School of Ormond Beach, our core mission is deeply rooted in the joy and sanctity of childhood. We strive to provide a nurturing environment that honors each child’s natural curiosity and deepens their connection with the world around them. Our goal is to gently guide children in realizing their full unique potential, developing into balanced and conscious individuals. We emphasize the cultivation of lifelong learning, critical and creative thinking, and a sense of ethical responsibility. We deeply value freedom of choice in education through homeschooling, and believe strongly in the transformative power of a nurturing and curative Waldorf-inspired education. We strive to offer our service to homeschooled students and their families by supporting the holistic development of every child entrusted to our care.

Our Vision Statement:

Our vision is to be a sanctuary where the magic of childhood is cherished and protected. We aspire to cultivate a community where each child can flourish in their own unique way. In this nurturing environment, immersed in nature, we hope to inspire not just a love for learning, but a capacity for independent thinking, moral courage, and a commitment to making a positive difference in the world. Our ultimate goal is to send forth creative, well-rounded, intuitive, free thinking individuals who are equipped to change the course of humanity, upholding the values of respect, integrity, empathy, compassion, and a sense of ethical responsibility.