At Sunrise School of Ormond Beach, our faculty and staff are more than just educators; they are mentors, guides, and co-learners in your child’s educational journey. As Waldorf-inspired teachers, we bring a distinctive approach to learning that sets us apart from traditional education models.

Holistic Education: Our teachers focus on educating the whole child. We understand that learning is not just about academics; it’s about nurturing the heart, mind, and hands. This holistic approach helps in the development of well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also emotionally and socially intelligent. 

Creative and Imaginative Learning: We believe in igniting the creative spark in every child. Our educators use storytelling, arts, music, and hands-on activities to make learning a joyful and imaginative experience. This method encourages creative thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Connection with Nature: Waldorf-inspired education emphasizes a deep connection with the natural world. Our teachers integrate outdoor learning and environmental stewardship into the curriculum, fostering a sense of respect and wonder for nature in our students. 

Personalized Attention: Our faculty values the unique qualities of each student. We strive to provide personalized attention, recognizing that each child has their own learning pace and style. This individualized approach ensures that every student feels seen, heard, and supported. 

Life-Long Learning: We are not just teaching facts; we are inspiring a love for learning. Our educators model life-long learning and curiosity, encouraging students to become inquisitive learners who seek knowledge beyond the classroom. 

As you consider the best educational path for your child, we invite you to discover the unique world of Waldorf-inspired education at Sunrise School of Ormond Beach. Our dedicated teachers are excited to embark on this enriching journey with your family!