1. What is Waldorf Education? 

Waldorf Education, founded by Rudolf Steiner, is a holistic educational approach that prioritizes the alignment of teaching methods with the developmental stages of childhood. This philosophy integrates academic learning with artistic and practical activities, emphasizing the importance of nurturing a child’s imagination and creativity. Central to the Waldorf method is the integration of arts, crafts, music, and storytelling into everyday learning, fostering not just intellectual growth but also emotional and creative development. This approach also places a strong emphasis on the connection to nature, encouraging outdoor education and fostering a deep appreciation for nature and the natural world. Social and emotional learning are crucial, with the curriculum designed to cultivate social skills, emotional intelligence, and a sense of community among students. The structure of daily and weekly routines provides students with a sense of rhythm and security. Click here to learn more.

2. What Grades Does the School Serve? 

Our Waldorf inspired school caters to children from Kindergarten through grade 4, with plans to expand through 8th grade and beyond as our school community grows.

3. What Are the School Hours for Different Grades? 

Our school day begins at 8:45 and ends at 3:00. There are a variety of offerings for early childhood, including half days. Please see our Programs page for more specific info on early childhood. 

4. Who can attend? 

Parental choice is one of our greatest values. Creating offerings that meet the needs of many different families was one of our top priorities. When we initially launched, our intention was to function as a full time private school; but, over time we discovered that our offerings attracted mainly homeschooling families, which also aligns with the values of our teachers and staff. Therefore, we have rebranded ourselves as a hybrid school that exclusively serves homeschooling families. Students can attend Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Tuesday and Thursday.

5. How Do I Apply for Enrollment? 

The first step is to schedule a tour via our website. The tour is a mandatory first step in order to be considered for enrollment. Please visit our Admissions page for more info!

6. Is Financial Aid Available? 

Yes! We are approved to accept both the PEP Scholarship for homeschoolers and the FES-UA Scholarship for Unique Abilities. Please contact us for more info! 

7. What Is the Tuition Structure? 

Tuition fees vary depending on the grade level and enrollment option. Please view our Enrollment Guide for specific tuition info.

8. How Does the Hybrid Structure Work for Homeschooling Families? 

One of our greatest values at Sunrise School is parental choice and parents’ involvement in and ownership over their children’s education. That being said, we have designed our hybrid program for homeschoolers to be as flexible and accommodating to parents as possible. With our hybrid model, we deliver a comprehensive curriculum to students attending three days per week. Our robust educational program is designed to meet all academic needs within this period, ensuring that students receive a thorough and well-rounded education. In addition to the in-class instruction, we provide support and resources to parents, enabling them to reinforce and extend these academic concepts at home. This collaborative approach between Sunrise School and Sunrise Families ensures continuity in learning and allows students to thrive both in the classroom and beyond.

9. What is the typical student to teacher ratio? 

Our preferred ratio for the mixed age Kindergarten is 6 students to 1 teacher/assistant teacher/adult. In all other classes, we will strive to maintain a ratio of 15 students to 1 teacher, with an assistant teacher in each classroom that is 15+, with a maximum of 18 students per class.

10. Is this a “Drop-Off” program, or are parents required to stay onsite? 

We are a “drop off” program, however we are deeply committed to fostering parent involvement and therefore welcome parents who would like to stay on campus during classes with open arms.

11. Is the School Accredited? 

We are a brand new school and accreditation takes several years, but yes, we are working toward accreditation. 

12. What is the Curriculum Like? 

Our Waldorf-inspired private school proudly adopts the Earth Schooling curriculum, an innovative approach that harmonizes beautifully with the Waldorf philosophy. Earth Schooling is grounded in a deep respect for nature, focusing on integrating environmental education seamlessly into the learning experience. This curriculum enriches the holistic development of children by intertwining academic subjects with practical, nature-based activities, encouraging students to learn through direct engagement with the world around them. Central to Earth Schooling is the belief in learning as a natural, organic process, where children’s curiosity and innate connection to the Earth are nurtured. This approach fosters creativity, critical thinking, and a profound sense of environmental stewardship. By blending traditional Waldorf methodologies with a strong emphasis on ecological awareness, Earth Schooling provides a unique, immersive educational experience that prepares students to be conscientious, informed global citizens, deeply aware of their surroundings and their impact on the world.

13. What Is the Role of Art and Creativity in Education? 

Art and creativity play a central and integral role in Waldorf Education, deeply embedded in its philosophy and daily practices. This educational approach, founded by Rudolf Steiner, views artistic expression not just as a subject to be taught, but as a vital means of engaging with and understanding the world.

In Waldorf schools, art is interwoven throughout the curriculum and is seen as essential for the development of the whole child – intellectually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The belief is that through artistic activities, children can develop a range of skills and capacities such as creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and fine motor skills. Artistic work in Waldorf schools includes a diverse range of activities: painting, drawing, sculpture, music, drama, and handcrafts like knitting and woodworking.

The emphasis on creativity extends beyond art classes; it permeates teaching methods across all subjects. Lessons are often presented in an imaginative and artistic manner, engaging students through stories, visual arts, music, and movement. This approach aims to inspire a love of learning and to cultivate an aesthetic appreciation in students.

Furthermore, art and creativity in Waldorf Education are seen as means to foster a deeper connection with oneself and the world. Through artistic expression, students explore their own feelings and ideas, developing a sense of self-awareness and empathy. The creative process is also viewed as a way to develop a sense of beauty and harmony, both in one’s environment and in one’s inner life.

14. How Do You Address Special Educational Needs? 

Our goal is to foster an inclusive classroom environment, integrating all students, regardless of their abilities, to promote a sense of belonging and acceptance. Parental involvement is emphasized, with teachers and parents collaborating closely to ensure that the educational and developmental needs of these students are met both at school and at home. A key focus in Waldorf education for special needs students is on nurturing their strengths and talents, rather than solely concentrating on their challenges. This positive approach aids in building confidence and a sense of achievement. Additionally, our curriculum and assessment methods are highly flexible and easily adapted to suit the diverse learning styles and needs of special needs students, ensuring that they can engage with the curriculum effectively. That being said, we are a small hybrid school with limited resources, so we are only able to enroll students whose needs we are able to meet with the resources we have available to us.

15. Can You Tell Me About the Outdoor Environment? 

Our school is located on 8 acres of beautiful woodlands, at EarthPerks Bio-Organic Farm in Ormond Beach, Florida. As an outdoor school, we place a high value on being interconnected with nature, creating an immersive learning environment that reflects our commitment to these values. We utilize yurts and other creative indoor-outdoor spaces for dedicated periods of linear thinking, ensuring that our educational approach is both innovative and grounded in nature.

Our facilities seamlessly integrate with the natural surroundings, emphasizing our belief in the importance of outdoor learning and being close to nature. The use of natural materials and structures allows us to teach all academics through the lens of Waldorf pedagogy, maintaining a strong connection to the earth.

The expansive grounds offer endless opportunities for exploration and hands-on learning, making the natural world a living part of our educational experience. This unique setting fosters a sense of wonder and curiosity in our students, encouraging them to develop a deep and meaningful connection with the environment.

16. How Does Waldorf Education Differ from Montessori? 

Waldorf Education and Montessori, while both focusing on holistic child development, differ significantly in their pedagogical approaches and educational philosophies. Waldorf, founded by Rudolf Steiner, emphasizes artistic expression and creativity, integrating subjects through storytelling, arts, and music, and is structured around the developmental stages of the child, with a strong emphasis on imagination. It also incorporates a spiritual component inspired by Steiner’s anthroposophy. In contrast, the Montessori method, developed by Maria Montessori, focuses on individual learning and independence, using specially designed materials to foster practical life skills and sensory development. Montessori education discourages imaginative play. Montessori classrooms are typically age-diverse, encouraging peer learning, and place a high emphasis on self-directed activity.

17. Is the School Affiliated with a Religious Organization? 

In practice, Waldorf schools focus on spiritual and moral development, but this is approached in a way that is meant to be inclusive and respectful of all religious backgrounds and beliefs. The curriculum may include stories, traditions, and festivals from a variety of world cultures and religions as a way of fostering a broad understanding and respect for global diversity.

18. What is Eurythmy? 

Eurythmy is a unique movement art form in Waldorf education. It integrates rhythmic movement, speech, and music to enhance the child’s sense of spatial awareness, coordination, and expression. It is an integral part of our curriculum and greatly valued in fostering a harmonious learning experience.