Waldorf-style education, embraced by our school, is a holistic and child-centered approach rooted in the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. Steiner’s vision, encapsulated in the quote, “It is important that we discover an educational method where people learn to learn and go on learning their whole lives,” underscores the core principle of Waldorf education.

At Sunrise School of Ormond Beach, we have fully integrated this philosophy into our unique outdoor setting, where the natural environment serves as our classroom. Nestled within eight acres of forest on EarthPerks Farm, our school blends the wisdom of Waldorf education with the immersive experience of a forest school.

Our approach prioritizes the comprehensive development of each child, fostering intellectual, artistic, emotional, and practical skills. Through hands-on exploration, imaginative play, storytelling, and artistic expression, we ignite a love for learning that extends far beyond traditional academics.

At the heart of our program is the belief that children learn best through direct engagement with the natural world. Our expansive woodland setting, with its meandering trails, lush gardens, and creative indoor-outdoor spaces, provides endless opportunities for discovery, play, and a deep connection to the environment.

More than just academic growth, the Waldorf method at Sunrise School aspires to inspire a lifelong love for learning, cultivating curiosity, empathy, and social responsibility in every child. Our outdoor environment enhances this journey, nurturing each child’s relationship with nature and encouraging a holistic understanding of the world around them.

Watch this video below to gain more insight into the world of Waldorf Education.