Our Early Childhood program takes place in an outdoor forest school model, embracing the beauty and benefits of nature. Our outdoor classrooms offer a consistent daily rhythm that helps children feel secure and at ease. In this natural setting, play is not just play; it’s a vital part of learning that nurtures a sense of wonder and opens doors to endless possibilities. This approach enriches them internally and lays a solid groundwork for their academic achievements ahead. In addition to an abundance of imaginative free play, our days are filled with a variety of engaging activities such as watercolor painting, sewing, beeswax modeling, tea time, cooking, singing, storytelling puppetry, and participating in movement circles—all conducted in the inspiring backdrop of the outdoors. These delightful experiences are key in honing both fine and gross motor abilities, enhancing listening, focus, and language skills, and teaching children the art of collaboration within a group setting. Being in nature further encourages creativity, resilience, and a deep connection with the environment, offering unparalleled opportunities for growth and development.

September 2024-May 2025

Our mixed-age early childhood/kindergarten program offers a rich and nurturing experience rooted in Waldorf educational philosophies. Set entirely in an outdoor forest school model, our program engages children in a rhythm that combines open-ended nature play, meaningful work, and creative expression through storytelling, puppet shows, and artistic activities such as watercolor painting, beeswax modeling, and finger-knitting. A formal Circle Time integrates movement, listening skills, rich language immersion, and imaginative development through songs and verse. Ample time is spent immersed in outdoor play, as interacting with the natural world is crucial for the holistic development of young children. This nature immersion fosters creativity, resilience, and a deep connection to the environment, providing unparalleled opportunities for growth and learning. The kindergarten experience in a Waldorf inspired model is generally a 2-3 year journey. Waldorf-inspired kindergartens focus less on traditional academics and more on the overall development of the child (social, emotional, physical), believing that a strong foundation in these early years will lead to greater academic and personal success later on.

Lower Elementary Grades

September 2024-May 2025

Grade One marks a significant transition from early childhood’s play-based learning to more structured academic instruction, tailored to align with the developmental stage of six and seven-year-olds. This year is characterized by a gentle introduction to formal education, respecting the child’s emerging capabilities while nurturing their imagination and sense of wonder. The curriculum includes an introduction to the alphabet and basic reading through storytelling, drawing, and writing, which often begins with forming letters as artistic expressions. Mathematics is introduced through hands-on activities, fostering a concrete understanding of numbers and basic operations. Nature studies, arts, handwork like knitting, and rhythmic activities like music and intentional movement are integral, supporting sensory integration and fine motor skills. The teaching methodology is deeply rooted in storytelling, using fairy tales and nature stories, which serve as vehicles for learning and moral development. This holistic approach aims to engage the child’s head, heart, and hands.

In Grade Two, the focus is on deepening the foundational skills introduced in Grade One. The curriculum includes legends and animal fables, which cater to the growing imagination and moral understanding of the students. Reading and writing skills are further developed, with more complex texts and creative writing exercises. Math progresses to include concepts like place value, time, and basic computation with larger numbers.

September 2024-May 2025

In Grade Three, there is a noticeable shift to more practical life skills and a deeper connection with the real world. The curriculum covers topics such as farming, shelter building, and fiber arts, reflecting the children’s growing awareness and interest in how things work in their environment. This year includes the study of origin stories and a variety of cultural legends, supporting the development of a moral compass and a sense of history. Throughout these grades, arts, crafts, and movement remain integral, supporting the development of fine motor skills, creativity, and physical coordination. The Waldorf- inspired approach in these grades aims to balance academic learning with artistic and practical activities, fostering a sense of wonder, a strong moral grounding, and a deep connection with the world. In Grade Four, we carefully craft a curriculum that supports the developmental journey of children as they grow more aware of themselves and their world.

Grade Four invites students to explore the geography, history, and culture of their local environment, thereby nurturing a strong sense of place and belonging. This year also introduces students to the captivating world of Norse mythology, enriching their understanding of heroism, morality, and human nature. Mathematical studies advance to include fractions, long division, and multiplication, with a continued emphasis on practical applications, such as measuring and geometry. The science curriculum brings the animal kingdom into focus, encouraging students to draw connections between humans and animals through detailed studies of characteristics, habitats, and lifestyles. Art and music remain pivotal, with students engaging in complex projects and performances, exploring different materials, techniques, and advancing musical skills.